behrotest Filtration Unit (Determination of fibers) EN 6-V, WBMR

behrotest Filtration Unit (Determination of fibers) EN 6-V, WBMR


behrotest® Filtration Unit (Determination of fibers) EN 6-V, WBMR

Determination of the fiber content of food

Fibers play an important role in human nutrition. The fiber content is generally determined by means of the classic AOAC 985.29 total crude fiber analysis (the so-called Prosky method) and the AOAC 991.43 total crude fiber analysis (applicable for the determination of total crude fiber content in grain, beans, vegetables and fruits and complies with the German "Official analysis procedure L00.00-18 for the determination of total fiber content" in acc. with § 64 LFGB).

Both methods subject the sample to a series of enzymatic digestions that simulate the actual digestion process that takes place in the human and animal digestive system. They calculated the undigested residues that remain at the end of the analysis.

behrotest® temperature controlled water bath with magnetic stirrer

The behrotest® temperature controlled water bath with magnetic stirrer WBMR is used for the simulation of enzymatic digestions, exactly according to these methods. With the multiple digestions of sample copies/duplicates at predefined temperatures using various enzymes (a-amylase for gelification, protease to remove proteins, amyloglucosidase to remove starch). Uninterrupted and even sample mixing (shaking) ensures that the samples do not overheat.

behrotest® filtration unit EN 6-V

  • The filtration unit EN6 performs the last filtration and rinsing phase required by the enzymatic method for the determination of fibers.
  • Combined with the behrotest® temperature controlled water bath with magnetic stirrer WBMR, the behrotest® EN 6-V reduces the required time in comparison to the manual process considerably.
  • Glass funnels facilitate the introduction of digested samples and solvents in the equipment. A vacuum function accelerates the filtration and rinsing phase.

behrotest® water bath with magnetic stirrer
  • The behrotest® temperature controlled water bath with magnetic stirrer is used for the simulation of enzymatic digestions, exactly according to these methods.
  • With the multiple digestions of sample copies/duplicates at predefined temperatures using various enzymes (a-amylase for gelification, protease to remove proteins, amyloglucosidase to remove starch).
  • Uninterrupted and even sample mixing (shaking) ensures that the samples do not overheat.

Technical data
  Food & feed analysis - Filtration unit (Determination of fibers) - EN 6-V [B00720183] Food & feed analysis - Filtration unit (Determination of fibers) - WBMR [B00696814]
  EN 6-V     WBMR
Item number B00720183 B00696814
Packaging quantity 1
Width (in cm) 80.00 35.00
Depth (in cm) 41.50 60.00
Height (in cm) 38.00 34.00
Volume in L - 20
Temperature setting range - 5 °C to 99 °C
Temperature stability - ±0.1 °C
Shaking speed - 50 rpm up to 600 rpm


  • Perfect mechanical interplay of individual components
  • Precise analysis is guaranteed with the behr filtration equipment
  • Practical addition and removal of max. 6 behrotest® crucibles
  • Space-saving equipment
  • Perfect sizes for any conventional lab table
  • Simple extraction of sample
  • easy regulation of pump performance with the rotary control
  • Low filtration times
  • behrotest® pump to facilitate work during filtration and rinsing
  • External control device
  • Protect your most important single components with the external behrotest® control device

Areas of use
Food analysis

Parameter to be analyzed

Sample material

Ordering Information
Part Number
EN 6-V behrotest Filtration unit with 6 positions    B00720183
WBMR     behrotest temperature controlled water bath with magnetic stirrer and lid    B00696814

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